Quick Revision for folk and community media by vikatu.
UNIT I Culture is like the personality of a group of people. It's all the things they share: What they believe in (ideas about right and wrong, holidays) How they act (manners, greetings) What they create (art, music, food) Culture is learned, not something you're born with, and it keeps changing over time. Tradition is like a special way of doing things that families, communities, or even countries have done for a long time. It's like a secret handshake between generations, something you share with those who came before you. It can be anything from a family recipe to a holiday celebration. Traditions make us feel connected to each other and our past. Folklore is basically the traditional stories, beliefs, and customs that get passed down through a particular group of people. It's like a shared understanding, often passed down by word of mouth, that reflects the history, values, and experiences of that culture. Here are some key things about folk...